22% Perf Panel

22% Perf Panel

Kufotokozera Kwachidule:

Mapanelo opangidwa ndi perforated adzagwiritsidwa ntchito limodzi ndi bolt onse pamakina okwera pansi.Damper imatulutsa ndikuwongolera kutuluka kwa mpweya wozizira wapansi panthaka kupita ku kompyuta/zida/zipinda za data zomwe nthawi zambiri zimatulutsa kutentha kwambiri.

Mapanelo opangidwa ndi UPLOOR adapangidwa ndikupangidwa kuti azigwiritsidwa ntchito ndi UPFLOOR amitundu yonse yofikira pansi.Atha kufotokozedwa kuti agwiritsidwe ntchito ndi Steel Access Floor Systems kapena Woodcore/Calcaium Sulphate core Access Floor Systems.


Any requirement of technical details/test report/certificate/new products and etc, Please ask details through company sales by email:  susan@upinfloor.com

Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda

Zolemba Zamalonda


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